Artista retrata famosas refeições da literatura em livro fotográfico

Como conquistar amantes da literatura, gastronomia e fotografia em uma mesma obra? A artista norte-americana Dinah Fried achou a resposta e publicou o livro ‘Fictious Dishes’, composto por fotografias de refeições que fazem parte de renomadas obras da literatura mundial.

A série fotográfica transforma em realidade o que estava presente antes apenas nas páginas dos livros. Desde clássicos do século XIX (como Moby Dick) a romances contemporâneos (como Os homens que não amavam as mulheres) a artista tem materializado a sua própria imaginação. O projeto iniciou em forma de blog e, recentemente, transformou-se em livro. Sem edição nacional, está disponível em formatos físico e ebook.

Fictious Dishes é para você que já se pegou imaginando como era a festinha do chá em Alice no País das Maravilhas, o paupérrimo mingau de Oliver Twist, os sanduíches de queijo suíço de Holden Caulfield, a podridão da refeição de Gregor Samsa ou as toranjas com tequila do Dr. Gonzo. O livro reúne ao todo cinquenta pratos descritos em marcantes obras.

Abaixo estão alguns exemplos. São 15 refeições de diferentes obras literárias e as respectivas passagens que inspiraram a artista na concepção das fotos.

Fictious Dishes - Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens – Oliver Twist
“Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at his own temerity: ‘Please, sir, I want some more.’”
Fictious Dishes - F. Scott Fitzgerald - O Grande Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald – O Grande Gatsby
“On buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors-d’oeuvre, spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold.”
Fictious Dishes - Frances Hodgson Burnett - O Jardim Secreto
Frances Hodgson Burnett – O Jardim Secreto
“Roasted eggs were a previously unknown luxury and very hot potatoes with salt and fresh butter in them were fit for a woodland king—besides being deliciously satisfying.”
Fictious Dishes - Fraz Kafka - A Metamorfose
Fraz Kafka – A Metamorfose
“There were old, half-rotten vegetables; bones from the evening meal, covered in white sauce that had gone hard; a few raisins and almonds; some cheese that Gregor had declared inedible two days before; a dry roll and some bread spread with butter and salt….”
Fictious Dishes - Harper Lee - O Sol é para todos
Harper Lee – O Sol é Para Todos
“‘Gracious alive, Cal, what’s all this?’ He was staring at his breakfast plate. Calpurnia said, ‘Tom Robinson’s daddy sent you along this chicken this morning. I fixed it.’ ‘You tell him I’m proud to get it—bet they don’t have chicken for breakfast at the White House.’”
Fictious Dishes - Herman Melville - Mobdick
Herman Melville – Moby Dick
“Our appetites being sharpened by the frosty voyage, and in particular, Queequeg seeing his favorite fishing food before him, and the chowder being surpassingly excellent, we despatched it with great expedition…”
Fictious Dishes - Hunter Thompson - Medo e delírio em Las Vegas
Hunter Thompson – Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas
“‘You goddamn honkies are all the same.’ By this time he’d opened a new bottle of tequila and was quaffing it down….He sliced the grapefruit into quarters…then into eighths…then sixteenths…then he began slashing aimlessly at the residue.”
Fictious Dishes - J.D. Salinger - O apanhador no campo de centeio
J.D. Salinger – O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio
“When I’m out somewhere, I generally just eat a Swiss cheese sandwich and a malted milk. It isn’t much, but you get quite a lot of vitamins in the malted milk. H. V. Caulfield. Holden Vitamin Caulfield.”
Fictious Dishes - Jack Kerouac - On the road
Jack Kerouac – On The Road
“But I had to get going and stop moaning, so I picked up my bag, said so long to the old hotelkeeper sitting by his spittoon, and went to eat. I ate apple pie and ice cream — it was getting better as I got deeper into Iowa, the pie bigger, the ice cream richer.”
Fictious Dishes - Johanna Spyri - Heidi
Johanna Spyri – Heidi
“The kettle soon began to boil, and meanwhile the old man held a large piece of cheese on a long iron fork over the fire, turning it round and round till it was toasted a nice golden yellow color on each side. Heidi watched all that was going on with eager curiosity.”
Fictious Dishes - John Kennedy Toole - Uma confraria de Tolos
John Kennedy Toole – Uma Confraria de Tolos
“Stopping before the narrow garage, he sniffed the fumes from Paradise with great sensory pleasure, the protruding hairs in his nostrils analyzing, cataloging, categorizing, and classifying the distinct odors of the hot dog, mustard, and lubricant.”
Fictious Dishes - Marcel Proust - Swann's Way
Marcel Proust – Swann’s Way
“One day in winter, as I came home, my mother, seeing that I was cold, suggested that, contrary to my habit, I have a little tea. I refused at first and then, I do not know why, changed my mind. She sent for one of those squat, plump cakes called petites madeleines…”
Fictious Dishes - Stieg Larsson - Millenium Os Homens que não amavam as mulheres
Stieg Larsson – Millenium: Os Homens que não amavam as mulheres
“She improvised bandages and covered the wound with a makeshift compress. Then she poured the coffee and handed him a sandwich. ‘I’m really not hungry,’ he said. ‘I don’t give a damn if you’re hungry. Just eat,’ Salander commanded, taking a big bite of her own cheese sandwich.”
Fictious Dishes - Sylvia Plath - A Redoma de Vidro
Sylvia Plath – A Redoma de Vidro
“Then I tackled the avocado and crabmeat salad…Every Sunday my grandfather used to bring me an avocado pear hidden at the bottom of his briefcase under six soiled shirts and the Sunday comic.”
Fictious Dishes - Lewis Carroll - Alice no país das maravilhas
Lewis Carroll – Alice No País das Maravilhas
“‘Have some wine,’ the March Hare said in an encouraging tone. Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing on it but tea.”